Inheritance law - a field of law about which so many different opinions and views circulate as in hardly any other. No wonder, when you consider that sooner or later almost everyone comes into contact with it personally. Whether in the circle of acquaintances, from hearsay, in Internet forums or search engines: The wealth of information seems as endless as it is contradictory.
In addition, inheritance law has numerous points of contact with other areas of law. It is not uncommon for legal questions to arise in the areas of corporate, family or tax law, to name just a few examples. Therefore, anyone wishing to obtain information on inheritance law cannot avoid expert legal advice.
This applies both to those who, in addition to dealing with a bereavement, are confronted with its legal settlement, as well as to those who wish to settle this very matter by drawing up a will, thereby saving the surviving dependents an immense amount of effort - not least in terms of time, money and energy.
Everyone is still familiar with the term "will". However, what an advance is, for example, is less well known. After all, hardly anyone can still imagine anything about the thirtieth or the imputation. Furthermore, the meaning of an inheritance is regularly confused with a legacy.
The diversity of inheritance law already becomes clear here. What seems exciting and fascinating from a legal point of view is a closed book for the layman - usually the testator or the heirs.
We specialize in both the everyday banalities and the exotic and complex areas of inheritance law.
The calculation of the legal share of the inheritance is just as important in the law of inheritance for spouses as it is in the law of compulsory portions. However, even a divorced spouse may still receive assets under certain circumstances, which is usually not in the best interest of the testator.
It does not always make sense to accept an inheritance. Even if the testator was wealthy, a spouse could achieve more by disclaiming the inheritance. However, this can be problematic. If the deadline for disclaiming the inheritance has passed and the estate is in debt, there are also ways of counteracting the loss of one's own savings.
With a focus on corporate law, our portfolio includes in particular topics such as corporate succession or inheritance law liability consequences and their exclusion possibilities. The course for this can already be set by means of company contract regulations, but this must be coordinated with inheritance law. Due to our holistic advice, we can therefore ensure comprehensive and competent support in matters of corporate law from the beginning of the formation to the dissolution.
One thing must never be forgotten: Not every case is the same. Therefore, the same solution options cannot always be applied. However, holistic and comprehensive advice, all from a single source, can play a decisive role in ensuring that you retain your rights. Because we shape law - well!